This Semester

Click on a course title below to view description and section details

NOTE: This data is offered for your convenience only. The schedule data is updated regularly and may not reflect recent changes to the Schedule of Classes. For full, up-to-date course information please contact the Registrar's office.

Spring 2025

500 Level

506 - Critical & Cultural Studies

Explores critical and cultural studies theories and methods to understand and apply analysis of texts (from media and everyday spoken texts to the body and environment) in order to reveal cultural productions and transformative possibilities.

1350 - 1620
Communication & Journalism - 119
Shinsuke Eguchi

519 - T: Intercultural Comm

Borderlands theoretical approaches to communication and culture. Cultural, political and socio-economic dimensions; transnationalism, and globalization, gender and intersectionality, relationship between border theory, borderlands and migration.

1630 - 1900
Communication & Journalism - 219
Cleophas Muneri

553 - Hlth Communication Campaigns

Focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of communication programs for addressing health issues. Provides an overview of relevant theory and research and opportunities to study, design, implement, and evaluate actual health communication campaigns.

1350 - 1620
Communication & Journalism - 219
Yangsun Hong

568 - Political Economy of Media

The course explores the power relations, structures, and social/cultural practices that mutually constitute the production, distribution, and consumption of mediated content.

1350 - 1620
Communication & Journalism - 121
Judith White

593 - Graduate Problems

Independent study on questions and issues beyond those covered by regularly approved seminars. Plan must be prepared and approved by a faculty member who agrees to direct the study. Approval by department chairperson required.

004Independent Study1 TO 3Jaelyn DeMaria
005Independent Study1 TO 3Shinsuke Eguchi
009Independent Study1 TO 3Marco Briziarelli
012Independent Study1 TO 3Tamar Ginossar
015Independent Study1 TO 3Ilia Rodriguez Nazario
017Independent Study1 TO 3Susana Martinez Guillem
020Independent Study1 TO 3Judith White
022Independent Study1 TO 3Meshell Sturgis
023Independent Study1 TO 3David Weiss
002Independent Study1 TO 3Evan Ashworth
003Independent Study1 TO 3Yangsun Hong
006Independent Study1 TO 3Cleophas Muneri
007Independent Study1 TO 3Mohammad Yousuf
010Independent Study1 TO 3Michael Lechuga

598 - Masters Project

Plan II students only. Having registered for the project plan, the student must continue to register for a minimum of 1 hour of 598 during each regular semester (exclusive of summer) until the project is completed and approved. Offered on a CR/NC basis only. Restriction: permission of advisor.

004Prof Paper/Project/Design Proj1 TO 6Michael Lechuga
005Prof Paper/Project/Design Proj1 TO 6Shinsuke Eguchi
007Prof Paper/Project/Design Proj1 TO 6Mohammad Yousuf
008Prof Paper/Project/Design Proj1 TO 6Yangsun Hong
009Prof Paper/Project/Design Proj1 TO 6Marco Briziarelli
012Prof Paper/Project/Design Proj1 TO 6Susana Martinez Guillem
015Prof Paper/Project/Design Proj1 TO 6Ilia Rodriguez Nazario
018Prof Paper/Project/Design Proj1 TO 6Tamar Ginossar
003Prof Paper/Project/Design Proj1 TO 6Evan Ashworth
019Prof Paper/Project/Design Proj1 TO 6Judith White
022Prof Paper/Project/Design Proj1 TO 6Meshell Sturgis
023Prof Paper/Project/Design Proj1 TO 6David Weiss
001Prof Paper/Project/Design Proj1 TO 6Jaelyn DeMaria
014Prof Paper/Project/Design Proj1 TO 6Cleophas Muneri

599 - Masters Thesis

Plan I students only. Having registered for the thesis plan, the student must continue to register for a minimum of 1 hour of 599 during each regular semester (exclusive of summer) until the thesis is approved. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.

003Thesis1 TO 6Evan Ashworth
005Thesis1 TO 6Shinsuke Eguchi
009Thesis1 TO 6Marco Briziarelli
010Thesis1 TO 6Susana Martinez Guillem
015Thesis1 TO 6Ilia Rodriguez Nazario
017Thesis1 TO 6David Weiss
004Thesis1 TO 6Michael Lechuga
011Thesis1 TO 6Mohammad Yousuf
019Thesis1 TO 6Judith White
002Thesis1 TO 6Tamar Ginossar
014Thesis1 TO 6Meshell Sturgis
001Thesis1 TO 6Yangsun Hong
006Thesis1 TO 6Jaelyn DeMaria
016Thesis1 TO 6Nafida Yousuf
012Thesis1 TO 6Cleophas Muneri

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600 Level

602 - Theorizing Culture & Comm

Reviews historical and contemporary theorizing and research programs addressing cultural and intercultural communication.

1630 - 1900
Communication & Journalism - 119
Michael Lechuga

604 - Survey Qualitative Res Methods

Introduction to history, assumptions, logic, and methods of qualitative inquiry, with emphasis on field methods of data collection.

001Lecture/Practice Experience3T
1350 - 1620
Communication & Journalism - 219
Jaelyn DeMaria

699 - Dissertation

Having registered for the dissertation, the student must continue to register for a minimum of 1 hour of 699 during each regular semester (exclusive of summer) until the dissertation is completed and approved. Offered on a CR/NC basis only. Restriction: permission of advisor.

001Dissertation3 TO 12Evan Ashworth
005Dissertation3 TO 12Shinsuke Eguchi
007Dissertation3 TO 12Yangsun Hong
008Dissertation3 TO 12Cleophas Muneri
017Dissertation3 TO 12David Weiss
009Dissertation3 TO 12Marco Briziarelli
010Dissertation3 TO 12Susana Martinez Guillem
015Dissertation3 TO 12Ilia Rodriguez Nazario
016Dissertation3 TO 12Mohammad Yousuf
011Dissertation3 TO 12Michael Lechuga
019Dissertation3 TO 12Judith White
002Dissertation3 TO 12Tamar Ginossar
014Dissertation3 TO 12Meshell Sturgis
006Dissertation3 TO 12Jaelyn DeMaria

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