Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communication

The Department of Communication and Journalism at the University of New Mexico offers a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Communication through the College of Arts and Sciences. Our program helps to prepare students for a variety of careers including: sales, positions in organizations emphasizing internal communication, organizational training, management, human resources, etc. (basically any career that involves or emphasizes communication). Students who are seeking an advanced degree in communication can also benefit from a focus in organizational communication. Students work in an area of study suitable to their interests and goals. The department offers coursework in the following areas:


Intercultural Communication - The study of the relationship between communication and culture. Issues related to understanding the challenges inherent in intercultural communication and resources available for dealing with those challenges in mutually productive ways. Attention is given to both local and international cultures.

Interpersonal and Organizational Communication - The study of the dynamics of interaction and relationships between individuals and in small groups, as well as the study of communication behaviors in dyads and their impact on personal relationships.

Media & Society - The study of the principles and theories of mass communication systems in the United States.

Public Communication - The study of principles and frameworks that explain communication options and strategies, such as argumentation and persuasion.

Advisement and Program Information

Program Advisement:
Sarah Volden, C&J Sr Academic Advisor

Major Study Requirements

A students who declares a major in communication must complete 36 credit hours in C&J Department courses. These 36 hours must consist of 15 hours of core courses; 9 hours in a concentration (Intercultural, Interpersonal & Organizational, Public, Media & Society); 12 hours of electives; with a total of 21 hours of upper division (300 and 400 level). A student must have completed COMM 1115 and another 3 hours of C&J course work with a C or better before being admitted to the Department. A grade point average of 2.00 is required for admission.

Minor Study Requirements

Students who declare a minor in Communication must complete 21 credit hours in C&J Department courses, including COMM 1115, and 12 credit hours at the 300 and 400 level.

Other Requirements

You must have a grade of "C" or better in all C&J Department courses. A "C-" does not count as a "C". For graduation, a student must have a 2.5 grade point average in the major.

Independent Studies

C&J policy prohibits students from using Independent Studies as a substitute for a required course.

Core Requirements for Communication Majors

  • COMM 1115 - Introduction to Communication (formally CJ 101)
  • CJ 332 - Business & Professional Speaking
    or CJ 333 - Professional Communication
  • CJ 300 - Theories of Communication (1115 is prerequisite)
  • CJ 301 - Communication Research Methods (1115 is prerequisite)
  • CJ 400 - Senior Seminar: Perspectives in Communication (click on course number to see several prerequisites)

Coursework for Intercultural Communication

(Must take starred (*) course and any two others in the sequence.)

  • CJ *314 - Intercultural Communication
  • CJ 318 - Language, Thought and Behavior
  • CJ 320 - Mediation
  • CJ 323 - Nonverbal Communication
  • CJ 469 - Multiculturalism, Gender and the Media 

Coursework for Interpersonal & Organizational Communication

(Must take starred (*) course and any two others in the sequence.)

  • COMM *2120 - Interpersonal Communication (formerly CJ 221)
  • CJ *340 - Communication in Organizations
  • CJ 318 - Language, Thought and Behavior
  • CJ 320 - Mediation
  • CJ 323 - Nonverbal Communication
  • CJ 344 - Interviewing
  • CJ 421 - Communication and Relationships 
  • COMM 2140 - Small Group Communication (formerly CJ 225)
  • CJ 443 - Current Developments in Organizational Communication (340 is prerequisite)
  • CJ 446 - Organizational Analysis and Training

Coursework for Media & Society

(Must take starred (*) course and any two others in the sequence.)

  • CJ *461 - Media Criticism 
  • COMM 2130 - Media Theory and Influence (formerly CJ 268)
  • CJ 365 - History of the Media (offered each fall)
  • COMM 2135 - Media Ethics & Law (Formerly CJ 466)
  • CJ 469 - Multiculturalism, Gender and Media

Coursework for Public Communication

(Must take starred (*) course and any two others in the sequence.)

  • CJ *337 - Rhetorical Theory 
  • CJ 327 - Persuasive Communication
  • CJ 331 - Argumentation 
  • CJ 334 - Political Communication (only offered during semesters that fall within an election season)
  • CJ 336 - Rhetoric of Dissent 
  • CJ 435 - Legal Communication 

Course Descriptions
Click here for details on all undergraduate courses offered through the Department of Communication and Journalism.