Scholarships and Awards


Applications are due by April 15, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.

The C&J department offers students from the various curriculum tracks the opportunity to apply for any number of scholarships or financial awards.

Scholarship recipients will be notified by mid-May.

For more information, you can check out the College of Arts and Sciences scholarship information page and the UNM scholarships page. You also can reach out to the C&J front office with questions. 

Available Scholarships

Name of ScholarshipAcademic AreaRequirementsAmount
Summer Writing SupplementGraduate StudentsAwards are based on major accomplishments since entering graduate school, a well-defined dissertation prospectus, a timeline for completion of the dissertation, a 500-word personal statement, one letter of recommendation, and approval by the graduate unit. Each department may submit one nomination for this award. Nomination requests are due to the Scholarship Committee March 25th; applications due April 25th.Funding of up to $2,000.00 to support completing an MFA or PhD dissertation
Summer Research Supplement AwardGraduate StudentsEligible graduate students must be in good academic standing and ABD at the time of application and pursuing advanced research and writing on a dissertation or creative/professional project in their discipline. Students must be registered as full-time in the spring semester of application. Nomination requests are due to the Scholarship Committee March 25th; applications due April 25th.Funding of up to $3,000.00 to support completing an MFA or PhD dissertation
Graduate Dean’s Dissertation FellowshipAll UNM graduate StudentsMust be writing dissertation, and expect completion by the end of the fellowship year. Interested candidates must be nominated by the department. See full requirements at InfoReady and talk to your advisor. Nomination requests are due to the Scholarship Committee first Friday in February; applications due first Friday in March.The stipend consists of $10,200 for the academic year.
Albuquerque Press Club EndowmentAny C&J MajorNew Mexico H.S. Graduates; and C&J major. 

This endowed scholarship is awarded annually to a deserving journalism or communication scholar who is a graduate of a New Mexico high school and who has demonstrated a high standard of academic ability. 

John J. Aragon Memorial Scholarship Journalism

Hispanic students; Journalism Major; 2.5 GPA. 

Named for Mr. Aragon, a UNM Journalism graduate, this award helps support an Hispanic student majoring in Journalism who demonstrates a high standard of academic achievement, scholastic ability, and financial need.

Jim Crow Memorial ScholarshipJournalism/Strategic CommunicationNative American students; 2.5 GPA$1,000
Joanne D. Dowler Scholarship for Excellence in Intercultural CommunicationIntercultural CommunicationIntercultural Emphasis in Communication; 3.0 GPA$1,000
Eilene C. Durgin Memorial Scholarship for Multimedia JournalismPrint, Broadcast, Radio and/or Multimedia JournalismFemale students; undergraduate student; GPA of 2.5 minimum; demonstrate financial need.$500
Carolyn Hunsley ScholarshipAny C&J MajorFemale students$300
W.A. Kelleher ScholarshipJournalism/Strategic CommunicationSophomores or Juniors$500
Jeanette King ScholarshipJournalism/Strategic CommunicationPhotojournalists; 2.5 GPA. 

An endowed scholarship, this award is named for Jeanette King, a photography student of journalism in Communication & Journalism.  The fund was established by her family to support exceptional women students majoring in Journalism with an emphasis on photojournalism.

David Barbour Media Ethics PrizeJournalism (undergrad or grad student)

This award recognizes undergraduate and graduate work that addresses current ethical dilemmas in journalism. Evidence is based on essays, presentations or research papers that examine how issues like disinformation, bias, misinformation, propaganda, and other problems are threatening the integrity of the journalistic mission.


  1. Be an undergraduate or graduate student in C&J
  2. Submit an essay, presentation or research paper addressing ethical dilemmas in journalism.
Ernie Pyle Legacy Foundation ScholarshipJournalism (full- or part-time student in good standing)Purpose of Scholarship: To honor beloved American journalist, Ernest “Ernie" Pyle, a 1944 Pulitzer Prize winning war correspondent who called Albuquerque home. Pyle was a unique reporter whose journalism skills covered a vast array of topics. He had the ability to reach out and make common folks feel comfortable sharing their stories in both good and hard times.

Sponsor: The Ernie Pyle Legacy Foundation.

Guidelines:  This $500 scholarship will be awarded to a master storyteller who writes in the style of Ernie Pyle. Their stories should reflect great storytelling built on excellent journalism skills.

How to Earn the Scholarship:
In addition to the online application, you will need to upload a 500-1000 word story written in the style of Ernie Pyle.
Rocky Mountain Southwest Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences ScholarshipMediaDemonstrated financial need.  Enrolled full time in Creative Media and Film program.  Student's permanent address resided in the regional area that is represented by the RMSWNATAS chapter.  May be renewed if student reapplies and maintains a minimum GPA of 3.0.$1,000

Sunny505 Award 


Strategic Communication 

 Concentration in Strategic Communication 

This prize involves (a) an unpaid internship at Sunny505 and (b) $1,000

Kelly Richmond Award/Scholarship

Any C&J Major

Sophomore or above; GPA of 2.5 or higher; carrying a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester; works to pay expenses while going to school; preference for students working on the Daily Lobo OR who participated in debate OR demonstrate an interest in political science.


NMPRSA Award/Scholarship

Any C&J MajorStudents specializing in public relations; applicants must submit a writing sample defining career goals in public relations. $500

Mark Holm Scholarship in Photojournalism 

The Mark Holm Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Photojournalism honors the life and work of Mark Holm and supports students studying photojournalism at the University of New Mexico. Students working at the Daily Lobo, UNM’s student newspaper, are preferred. A professional photojournalist for his adult life, Mark was a gifted storyteller, crafting a rolling narrative through the lens of his camera. He documented the human experience, capturing the painful, the beautiful, the mundane moments that collectively help us understand our world.  Mark saw tremendous value in photojournalism and the role it plays in society. A natural mentor, he served as an advisor to young photographers at the Daily Lobo, forming enduring professional relationships and personal friendships with students who became gifted photojournalists in their own right.


  1. Be an undergraduate student at UNM.
  2. Have interest and/or experience in photojournalism.

Preference may be given to eligible students who work for the Daily Lobo.

To apply, submit: 

  1. Online form via C&J scholarship web site.
  2. Three sample photographs (in .jpg format) demonstrating news or feature coverage.


It is not permissible to alter the basic reality of a photograph.
No removal or insertion of objects from the photo.
No cloning pixels to create a new image or add to an image.
No radical color changes.


Gail R. Rosenblum Scholarship for Solutions Journalism

This award recognizes C&J student contributions to Solutions Journalism, an approach to reporting that elevates how individuals and communities are creating solutions to social problems. 


  1. Applicants must be pursuing a BA or MA degree in Communication & Journalism.
  2. Demonstrate a passion for solutions-based reporting (online, print, or broadcast).

Preference may be given to undergraduates.

To apply, submit: 

  1. Online form via C&J scholarship web site.
  2. One sample news story demonstrating Solutions Journalism approach
Not currently available