Faculty Authors
David Weiss - Professor
The Rhetoric of American Exceptionalism: Critical Essays (co-edited by Jason A. Edwards and David Weiss)
The American experience has been defined, in part, by the rhetoric of exceptionalism. This book of 11 critical essays explores the notion as it is manifested across a range of contexts, including the presidency, foreign policy, religion, economics, American history, television news and sports. The idea of exceptionalism is explored through the words of its champions and its challengers, past and present. By studying how the principles of American exceptionalism have been used, adapted, challenged, and even rejected, this volume demonstrates the continued importance of exceptionalism to the mythology, sense of place, direction and identity of the United States, within and outside of the realm of politics.
Available on Amazon.com
What Democrats Talk About When They Talk About God: Religious Communication in Democratic Party Politics
What Democrats Talk about When They Talk about God is a collection of essays on the religious communication of past and present leaders of the Democratic Party, while in office, on the campaign trail, and in their public and private writing. While many books address issues at the intersection of church and state, this is the only volume that focuses exclusively on Democrats as important contributors to the dialogue about religion and politics in the United States.
Available on Amazon.com