Financial Aid & Academic Support

Academic Support

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Financial Aid

There are several types of grants and scholarships available from the university.  The Office of Graduate Studies offers information on a variety of sources of financial aid and support for graduate students in the form of grants, fellowhips, or scholarships. These can be used to cover tuition and expenses or to support research, travel, foreign language study, conference presentations, teaching training, or professional development. Visit the UNM Office of Graduate Studies ( for more information about funding. 

Other sources of information at UNM:
Financial Aid Office
Scholarship Office
List of Assistantship opportunities
Global Education Office
Graduate Resource Center
Graduate and Professional Student Association (funds for conferences, student projects, and more)
Latin American & Iberian Institute
Feminist Research Institute
Center for Regional Studies
Research and travel grants (offered through several campus programs):

ProQuest Grants and Funding Resources: advice on funding possibilities, how to find help with grant proposals, etc.