C&J Colloquium Series
The C&J Department’s Research Colloquium Series brings in speakers one or two times each month during the academic year. Unless otherwise noted, colloquia are held the second Wednesday of each month from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. A light lunch is served at each event for the first 15 minutes and is followed by a 45-minute presentation and a 15-minute Q&A session. Approximately 25 to 40 people attend, including faculty members, graduate and undergraduate students from C&J, and people from across the university and community.
The colloquium series strives to provide an intellectual presentation and exchange of various communication, interdisciplinary, and community-based topics and ideas. The series features scholarship from a mixture of methodological and epistemological traditions and provides diverse perspectives and ideas. We strive to create a meeting place for invited scholars, community members, and departmental faculty members and graduate students to share their research.
Upcoming Colloquia
No Upcoming Colloquia