C&J Virtual Open House for MA and PhD Programs: Friday, November 10, 10-11 a.m. via Zoom
The Department of Communication & Journalism at the University of New Mexico (UNM) will be hosting a virtual open house meeting at 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. (MST), Friday, November 10, 2023, Zoom. We invite prospective students interested in learning more about our MA and PhD programs to join us for an opportunity to meet our faculty and current graduate students.
Attendees must register in advance at https://unm.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAvf-CvpjssHtaf0ZRQxkhU6I0UbtbkHeL6. Upon registration, a Zoom link will be emailed to participants.
Our faculty and graduate students conduct research on various topics with a strong foundation in humanistic and social scientific approaches to communication research, along with diverse methodologies. We train emerging scholars in cutting-edge research at the intersection of three areas of study: Critical Intercultural Studies; Media Studies; Health Communication and Culture.
The Department of Communication & Journalism offers teaching assistantships for graduate students, with full tuition remission, stipend, and health insurance. We also offer additional support for academic travel and research assistantships.
For more information, please visit our website at https://cjdept.unm.edu/graduate/application-procedures.html, or you may contact our graduate coordinators: M.A. program director Dave Keating (davekeating@unm.edu) or Ph.D. program director Yangsun Hong (sunhong@unm.edu).