Dr. Karen Foss Retires, Dr. Janet Shiver Assumes Role asInterim Chair of the Department of Communication and Journalism
Departmental News

Posted: September 28, 2015
C&J recently had a changeover in departmental leadership. In August, Dr. Janet Shiver took on the role of interim chair, taking the reigns from Dr. Karen Foss, who retired after more than 20 years with the department. An international search for a permanent chair has been initiated by the department.
Dr. Foss came to UNM in 1993; she taught rhetorical theory, rhetorical criticism, gender and communication, feminist perspectives on communication, and theory and philosophy of communication as well as directing the public speaking course. She chaired or served on the thesis/dissertation committees of almost 80 graduate students at UNM, and helped develop the exchange program with Denmark and India. Dr. Foss also served as director of Women Studies (1995-1997) and as chair of Communication & Journalism (1997-2000 and 2013-2015). She was appointed Presidential Teaching Fellow in 2002 and Regents Professor in 2006.