Cleophas Muneri

Department Chair

Assistant Professor
Interim Co-Chair

Photo: Cleophas Muneri

Mass Communication

(505) 925-8669
Room 231

Ph.D., University of New Mexico, 2012


Dr. Muneri joined the Department of Communication and Journalism as a faculty member in fall 2014 and teaches at the UNM West Campus in Rio Rancho. My current scholarly work focuses on the intersection of identities and culture and on the role of the media, both formal and social, in the democratization process; and how both impact political change. Informed by postcolonial theory and using critical discourses analysis in most of my work, I am interested in understanding how struggles for democratization take various forms and how communication plays an important role in sustaining these struggles. At UNM West I teach various communication and media courses although my major interests are in intercultural communication, history of media, media and communication theory.