Chelsea Roe

Ph.D. Student

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2021 Cohort

Hello all, I'm Chelsea. I hail from the dairy state (Wisconsin) just south of Madison. I earned my B.A. at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities in Public Relations and my M.A. in Interpersonal Communication at the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point. My academic interests are in Critical Intercultural Communication and Health Communication, particularly how asexual individuals navigate a very allosexual healthcare system. Outside of the classroom I enjoy going on leisurely and scenic walks, jumping out of airplanes, baking way too many cookies, playing D&D (cleric is my usual), and spending time at home drinking hot chocolate with my spouse and cuddling our cats.

Papers Presented at Conferences:
Roe, C. (2022). Aqueer: Queer theory and the invisible queer within the LGBTQIA+ community. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Communication Studies Division at NCA.
Roe, O., & Roe, C. (2023). “Hey Friends!” Transgender women and their romantic/intimate partners’ use of Reddit as sources of community. In (Trans)gendered Community and Connection in Online Spaces, Sponsor: ORWAC at Western States Communication Association Conference.
Roe, C. (2023). “Put a finger down” challenges on TikTok as effective health awareness campaigns for ADHD diagnosis. In Sex, Social Media, and Health Communication, Sponsor: Health Communication at Western States Communication Association Conference.
Roe, C. (2023). Red on White: It started with a kiss and ended with #MeToo: An archival analysis using feminist communication theory and spiral of silence theory. In The Rhetorics of Feminist Organizing, Sponsor: Rhetoric, Culture, and Advocacy at Western States Communication Association Conference.
Roe, C. (2023). “Are we human?” Artificial Intelligence, postcolonialism, and what it means to be human. In The Future Unveiled: Navigating Dependence, Surveillance, and Justice [Top Student Papers in Communication and the Future Division], Sponsor: Communication and the Future Division at NCA.
Roe, C. (2024). “I feel alienated”: Healthcare discussions among the Asexual Community. In Elevating Personhood in Health Communication, Sponsor: Health Communication at Western States Communication Association Conference.

Service to professional organizations, UNM, and the department:
Spring 2022-Spring 2023: CommGrads Secretary
Fall 2022: Reviewer for Rhetoric, Culture, and Advocacy at Western States Communication Association Conference.
Spring 2023: Reviewer for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Communication Studies Division at NCA
Spring 2023-Spring 2024: CommGrads, PhD President