Olivia Roe
Ph.D. Student
2020 Cohort
Olivia is a PhD student in critical intercultural communication. Olivia received their B.A. in Interpersonal and Organizational Communication from the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point in 2018 and their M.A. in Interpersonal Communication in 2020, also from the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point. Their research interests focus on intercultural (mainly LGBTQ+ and hetero/cis) relationships, transnational representation of LGBTQ+ members, media representations of LGBTQ+ members, identity, performance, and culture. Their most recent research has been focused on discrepant behaviors in instances in families, the role of media representation of transgender people on prejudice-making and harassment, and advice-seeking among transgender people seeking Hormone Replacement Therapy. Olivia is also a current member of the Feminist Research Institute at UNM and an alternate member of SFRB.
Roe, A. (2020). Self-discrepancy, self-awareness, and initial relationship satisfaction: Predictors of relationship satisfaction after behavior discrepancy. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Roe, A. (2020). Book Review: Bonnie Ruberg, Video games have always been queer. European Journal of Cultural Studies. Https://doi.org/10/1177/1367549420935902